Are you struggling with the publicity tools that you need to increase the exposure of your private practice?

That’s not surprising. Most of us can’t afford one of those pricey public relations firms to pound the pavement for us and get us the interviews we need to increase our reach.

So, I’d like to share with you, a publicity tool that will get you seen and heard by some of the most prestigious media firms in the country. Countless people have utilized this technique and now it’s your turn!

For example, there is a website called Help A and basically what it amounts to is reporters that are always looking for fresh content out there to write the articles or produce the content that they’re doing for their journalistic pieces.

Publicity Tools

And, if you look on their website, you can see the media outlets that are currently utilizing HARO. HARO stands for help a reporter out. So it’s help a

You can see the media outlets that currently use them. And there are some big names here, aren’t there?

Now, just you go over to where it says sign up.  It will take you to this page that you utilize to give them all the information that they need to know about your practice and your specialty.

Consequently, the form gets a lot more detailed as they ask you information about your practice and then you can set up an informational section that lets them know how often they’re allowed to contact you.

So, you can get emails twice a day, you can get them once a day, you can get them once a week. Just provide the frequency with which you are willing to be approached by journalists and that’s it.

Because, what will happen is, you’ll get emails, let’s say it’s a once a day with a notification saying, reporter _____ is writing an article about ______ and is looking for someone who specializes in _____ so that they can write this article.

So, when you respond to that email giving them information, you’ll be contacted by that reporter who will ask a series of questions in order to write their article and you’ll be featured in that article.

Set up for Success

This is a great way for you to get some publicity for your practice and get your phone to ring more often.

Something that you may want to consider, however.

Now, if you are a localized private practice, it may not be as productive for you as if you were able to see clients nationally or internationally.

But, that doesn’t mean that it won’t get your phone to ring.

I am of the school of thought that publicity is publicity.

So, even if I am only seeing clients in the state of Michigan, I’m still going to go for exposure in a nationalized article because it can always relate to a friend of a friend for a referral.  Or someone who is local reporter will see your piece in the New York Times and want to interview you for a local publication.

Publicity Tools Matter

 Because, there’s no such thing as bad publicity where THAT is concerned. It is a great way for you to utilize some public relations tools to get you the exposure that you need for your practice.

So speaking of publicity tools, what do you utilize to ensure that you’re getting the widest exposure possible for your private practice? Let me know in the comments below.

Another Publicity Tool

Also, if you want to join a community of practitioners, just like you, I have a free group on both Facebook and LinkedIn. It’s called Private Practice Marketing Mentors.  

It’s a group for like-minded professionals just like you who are focused on enrolling more clients in their practice through online marketing strategies. Come join us, we’re always talking about the most innovative and latest techniques in online marketing.

Lastly, if you’re looking for some additional marketing tools to help you enroll more clients. Take our Free Masterclass at Https://

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