I recently had the opportunity to connect with a lovely woman who has such a compassionate approach to networking, I felt compelled to share.

Meet Laura

Laura Handke is a transformational Voice Teacher. She helps speakers and leaders to align their inner voice with the outer voice and become more effective communicators.

This is an effort to make them truly heard, listened to, and understood as well as understand.

Laura loves LinkedIn and understands the power of connection on this social media platform.

She wanted to begin networking with people but was looking for a strategic approach that didn’t come off as sleazy.

We all know THOSE kinds of people, don’t we? You’ve barely said hello and they’re into their pitch.

The Plan

So, I met Laura through a mutual friend and she explained that she’s running a spotlight series of people that she meets on LinkedIn.

Her spotlight series involves her creating a video about the person that she records and places on LinkedIn as well as her YouTube Channel.

We chatted for a few minutes while we learned of the other’s work.

The next day Laura went on camera and featured me in her spotlight series telling her audience about me and why they should connect with me.

Please see video below.

I was shocked and enamored by her kindness. There was no sales pitch, and she never asked me to do anything at all for her.

She only asked if there was anyone that I would recommend that she speak with for her next spotlight video.

I was blown away.

But here’s the real gold in this equation.

Because of her networking approach, I was immediately compelled to help her in any way I can. I’m sharing her work, writing reviews, recommending her and going out of my way to help her launch and market her work.


Because she never asked.

At a time when there is so much online chatter and people come barging into your world asking for something before they even know your name, this is a great reminder of the power of kindness.

The power of building the relationship first.

And the power of reciprocity.

When you help someone get what they want, they will often go out of their way to help you get what you want.

If not? Well, kindness carries karma all its own.

If you would like to be connected with Laura Handke message her on LinkedIn and tell her Lisa sent you!

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