Are you stuck on how to build that referral base network that you need to grow your private practice? Watch this video and I’ll show you my full proof formula, on building that referral base that you need to grow your private practice.

If you’re overwhelmed and maybe a little bit shy about networking, but you know that you need a base of referrals to build your practice, by the end of this blog, I’ll give you three tips. That can be your go to full proof plan for building your network.

Build A Referral Base Tip 1

The first thing that you’ll want to do is to make a list of all of the people who would be great sources of referrals for you. I don’t mean to make a list of names; I mean make a list of titles.

Think about the types of people who serve your ideal clients and, and really allow yourself to think outside the box, not just other practitioners.

Would it be administrators? Is it Lawyers? How about Teachers? Think about all of the types of people that are in common with your target market, the exact people that you serve based on your specialty.

Build A Referral Base Tip 2

Okay now, tip number two. Do your research. And this one will pay off, I promise you.

Think about where these referral sources hang out. Would that be chamber events? Would it be different association type of events, other networking events? Is it social media? And if it is social media, which social media sources? I know it’s really easy to just say that, everybody hangs out on Facebook, but not everybody does, especially your referral sources.

What about the best places that you can get in contact with these folks. Definitely do your research.

So, speaking of where your referral sources hangout, I’ve got a fun idea for you in the comments below. Let me know where are the most unusual place you got a referral from. Put That on the comments below.

Tip 3

Plan your strategy on how you’re going to connect with the people on that list. Is it email, is it phone, is it in social media? Is it in person?

You may find as you go through this process that for different types of referrals, your means of connecting with them is going to be a little bit different. And that’s okay. There’s nothing wrong with that.

However, you do need to plan that strategy in advance because what you’re doing here is you’re setting up yourself a system for building your referral base that’s going to last you in the long haul.

It’s important to have a strategy that you can count on and a system in place so that you can execute it as part of your daily professional life.

Now, you know, the basic steps of how to build a referral base network. But, what about asking for that referral once you’ve met them, that can seem kind of intimidating. Can’ t it? The good news is I’ve written several blogs on the subject and the link to those, can be found by clicking HERE.

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