Are you struggling with the time and the repetition of your marketing efforts? Let’s learn about an auto text expander tool that will improve your keyboard productivity and your marketing messages.

Or, you can watch this video to learn about an auto text expander tool that will improve your keyboard productivity and your marketing messages.

One of the things that I hear people object most often about when it comes to their marketing is the amount of time that is involved in their marketing efforts.

Justifiably so. There are components to your marketing that just take more time than others.

As such, we’re always looking for ways where we can shave some time off so that we can get back to other things that demand our time and attention.

One of those is the amount of time that I spend typing some of the same things over and over and over again. I’m sure that you encounter that as well.

Auto Text Expanders address repetition

If you have a potential client that you are wanting to “woo” and they start asking you about your practice and “tell me a little bit more about what you do”.

That can be a very well-rehearsed language or dialogue that you have with them. And some folks will put that on a document and copy and paste it.

That’s a time-saving effort as well. But I found a tool that will help you with this.

Chrome Extension

This is a Google Chrome extension, and it’s called Text Blaze.

You need only to go to the Google Chrome store and the URL for that is Or you could just open up a Google Chrome browser and in the search just type in Google Chrome store and you’ll get to the same place.

Once you get in there, in the search section, type the words TEXT BLAZE, and this is what comes up. Okay? So this is what text blaze looks like.

Text Blaze Expander

Auto Text Expander in use

Click on the dashboard and what it allows you to do, you can see the plus section. You can create little snippets of things that you use most often.

So, let’s say your signature line is one of them. So I created a code…forward slash SIG, so that whenever I type slash SIG, you can see my signature line shows up.

You may be thinking, I already have this in my email. Why do I need this?

Auto Text Expander works online

The beauty with text blaze is it works beyond email. It will also work on social media for you.

When I’m on LinkedIn and I’m direct messaging somebody, I will go ahead and type whatever it is I’m going to say to them.

Then I will place the signature line by typing, slash, SIG and it shows up on the bottom.

This lets them know how to get ahold of me, my website, what my WHO and DO-WHAT statement is and more. So they know how I can help them.

There are other things that you can do as well.

When people ask you online,

…”tell me a little bit more about what you do.”

“Tell me a little bit more about your specialty. “

You can craft all of that in one texted format and just apply a code. It will automatically appear and save you time in the process.

Be cautious

You can create these codes for just about anything.

However, I noticed an issue whenever I was online typing anything and I used the letters SIG. As part of a regular word like signature, signal or sign or anything that used the letter SIG.

All of a sudden as soon as I typed in SIG, my signature line would come up. This is how I ended up putting the forward-slash in front.

The beauty with text blaze is, you can use it in your emails, social media, even in direct messages.

It saves you a ton of time.

Given that we are regularly marketing to people as part of our daily routine. You find that you tend to repeat things over and over.

So why not save yourself the time, create a couple of codes and then Badda Bing Bada Boom. You have saved some time in your marketing efforts.

Give it a try and let me know what you think. I would be interested in hearing that in the comments below.

If you are looking for more tips on how to streamline your color scheme branding. I invite you to check out this blog now.

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It’s a group for like-minded professionals who are dedicated to enrolling more clients and growing together.

Together we discuss the latest innovative and cutting edge strategies to market our practices using online marketing strategies.

We hope you’ll come to join us!

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