It happened again recently and it just broke my heart.

I was on a transformation call with a potential client we’ll call Shirley.

While asking her about her private practice and who she served, I got a really long-winded answer.

Sadly, Shirley was all over the map. She’d create one niche for herself and when she didn’t see the activity she wanted, she’d change her niche 3 weeks later.

She’d go on to the next niche and get a phone call from someone in a completely different target audience and then switch gears again to claim that niche.

When we looked at the social media profiles she created it was really unclear who she served or how she served them.

I’d start to ask her questions about who her favorite types of clients were and what she enjoyed about working with them.

She’d get halfway through her answer and start asking me questions about what I thought about a completely different marketing approach.

Throughout our conversation, I had to get Shirley focused.

We had to

🎯 Determine what type of clients she enjoyed working with most

🎯 What modalities of treatment she used to help them

🎯 Create and I help…. Statement

🎯 Craft a clear marketing message

🎯 Develop a marketing strategy that was unique to her private practice

I could visibly see the relief on her face.

Armed with tools and a strategy to move forward Shirley was able to let go of the panic and overwhelm.

At first, Shirley was worried that by choosing one niche, she would be closing herself off from other business opportunities.

But now Shirley knows that declaring a niche is her way of standing out as an industry expert. A marketing strategy that will get her noticed in an often noisy online world.

Shirley knows that she will always have the choice to help others outside of her niche that need her.

As a practitioner, does Shirley’s story feel familiar? Book your transformation call with this link.

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