Have you ever had one of those experiences in life where you come out the other side of a challenge thinking, “If I only knew then, what I know now, I would have been so much better off.

This is exactly why you need a marketing mentor/coach when growing your private practice.

Some of you may be thinking that you can’t afford it.

To this, I say, you can’t afford not to.

Mistakes that come from not having a marketing mentor/coach.

Some of the things that I’ve seen people agonizing over in years past are private practice owners who do the following.

  • Avoid creating a marketing plan and fly by the seat of their pants
  • Spend money on costly marketing products without knowledge of how it will impact them in the long run.
  • Investing in costly Ads when there is no marketing plan that backs up the messaging.
  • No marketing budget to follow
  • Drafting marketing messages without their target market in mind
  • Randomly posting on social media
  • Selling too hard, too often

This list can go on and on, but you get the idea here.

What You Can Expect

One question on most practitioner’s minds is, “Will Coaching Make Me Wealthy”?

The simple answer to this is yes…possibly.

But the biggest advantage to having a marketing mentor will be the time and structure you are able to bring to the marketing of your private practice.

A good marketing mentor/coach will be able to help you develop a plan that is personal to YOU.

After all, your private practice is specific to you. The clients that you bring in will be drawn to you and all the things that make you, YOU.

So, it stands to reason that your marketing reflects that.

While your messaging will be focused on the target market you want to attract and the problem you help them solve, it also needs to reflect your voice.

A good marketing mentor/coach will also be able to show you what kinds of marketing will be most effective for you.

They’ll be able to show you where you should be dedicating your time and attention.

This is a tremendous benefit as so many practitioners will tend to do what they hear others are doing OR get distracted by costly shiny marketing objects that may not be right for them.

A savings of both time and money, to be sure.

At the end of the day, remember why you went into private practice for yourself.

You have a real passion for helping others in need.

You likely ALSO want the freedom of being your own boss and to determine your own income levels.

The best way to achieve this in the shortest time possible and without the added aggravation of trial and error, is to hire a marketing coach that will help you develop a strategy that sets you up for success.

If you are looking for a marketing strategy that will grow your practice with the most direct route possible, schedule a discovery call with Woz Marketing. We can help!

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