Practitioners are the most successful marketers. I’ve felt this way for a long time.

Think about it.

When you go into your local private practice to see your practitioner, they use their laser like focus to observe you.

You are asked lots of questions.

They listen intently to your answers and practice super hero type empathy.

Then they use their training and instincts to develop a treatment plan to help you.

These are all the same skills necessary to become successful marketers.

Here’s what that looks like.

Successful Marketers are Observant

Successful marketers observe the market place.

They watch for trends.

They watch for changes.

And they pay attention to the competition to determine what sets them apart.

They also observe the needs of their ideal client. They are acutely aware of who they are, what they struggle with, and how to help them.

Observance is a critical skill in successful marketers.

Successful Marketers Ask Questions

While observance is a critical skill of successful marketers asking questions is just as important.

After all, if you don’t have clarity on what you’ve observed, it’s just mindless data, isn’t it?

We don’t know what to do with the information if we don’t understand the impact.

So, asking questions will give you clarity on what is needed.

It will also tell you where the problems lie and provide understanding of what road blocks may interfere with success.

Listening for Understanding

This is one of the areas that I think practitioners excel at the most.

They are such wonderful listeners.

You always get the feeling that you have their undivided attention.

 They enjoy helping you.

This becomes evident when you hear them ask follow up questions to ensure that they really understand.

They hang on your every word.

This is required in marketing too.

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen a marketing campaign go south because there was no time or attention invested in understanding the needs of the market.

Research is one of those areas you just can’t do half way.

Successful Marketers Practice Empathy

You simply have to in order to be a successful marketer OR practitioner.

Your job as a service minded professional is to help someone who is struggling.

It’s likely that your empathy is the very reason you decided to go into private practice in the first place.

You want to help people!

The same is true in marketing.

Successful marketers enjoy helping others with their pain points.

Whether that pain point be enrolling more clients, or creating more exposure for the work that others are doing.

Having empathy for another person’s pain points is paramount.

Helping others succeed is a reward that never gets old!

Successful Marketers Develop a Plan

Planning is everything. 

Successful marketers will always create a solid plan of action.

The same is true with practitioners.

There has to be a treatment plan that helps and heals the client.

No one would dream of just jumping in and throwing a bunch of modalities at the problem without a well thought out treatment plan based on observation, clarity, empathy and training.

Successful marketers will do the same thing.

Only when they have observed, asked clarifying questions and listened intently can they create a marketing plan that solves the problem.

Avoid the Road Block

Private practice owners really do make the most successful marketers.

Because they are service minded professionals, they are very much in tune to the needs, emotions and personality traits of others.

Sadly, many tend to not like marketing and often feel they are not very good at it.

They tend to look at it from a sales perspective and feel that they are being a sleazy salesperson.

Practitioners want to help people, not be sales people.

But here’s the thing.

By clarifying your marketing message with the items noted here, you ARE helping people.

One of the most difficult things to experience when you are hurting, is not knowing where to go for help.

Crafting a clear marketing message based upon your ability to observe, clarify and show that you empathize is perhaps the kindest thing you can do for your clients.

You are essentially bringing them in from the wilderness to a safe place of healing.

So, give your marketing another try. Your clients will thank you for it!

If you are a practitioner looking for a marketing plan based upon observation, clarity empathy and careful planning Private Practice Marketing Academy will bring you out of the wilderness into being successful marketers.


  1. Jan Sugar

    I just love this, Lisa. To have therapy really start with the marketing message that lets people know you’re out there and that they they can get the kind of help they need from you is really a new way of thinking about marketing. The relationship starts not the first day in the office but at the outreach through your message. Gold!

  2. I certainly see the similarities within the jobs.
    Knowing how to use the details and data is where the magic of a good marketer like yourself comes in!

  3. Lauren Duroy

    This is a great article <3 shared

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