Videos that get massive attention

Making videos that get attention can be a real challenge. You spend so much effort with lighting and making sure your hair looks right. It can be incredibly frustrating to see it fall flat and gain no attention or views in the feed.

But, it doesn’t have to be this way. With a little effort and some careful planning you can make sure your videos are the talk of the town.

Here’s a 4 step formula you can use when creating your videos that will improve your views and engagement.

Videos with a HOOK

Create a hook or teaser to capture attention and increase curiosity within the first 3-5 seconds of your video. You can also make this the headline of your video. You want to let your audience know what your video is going to be about right away. And if it’s done so in a way that peaks their curiosity, you’ll draw them in to find out more.

Videos with EMPATHY

Use empathy to create an emotional connection. You want your viewers to be able to see themselves in your content. They must be able to relate. When you create that emotional connection and they can relate, your video draws them closer to you and they feel engaged.

Videos that MOTIVATE

Motivate people to take action. This happens when 1 & 2 are done well. When you’ve draw them in with a teaser or hook and connected with them emotionally, it’s so much easier to get them to take action. This can come in the form of, “comment below”, “share if you agree”, “Like or subscribe”, or “Call today”.

Videos that OVER DELIVER

Go that extra mile to over deliver in your video. It’s not likely that the subject you are creating a video about is the first one ever made. But what will make your video stand out is you! You have the ability to put your heart and personality in it and deliver it from a perspective that others may not have seen. This is what will make you stand out over all of the other videos out there on the same subject. Going that extra mile to ensure you get your point across and from a compelling perspective will make all the difference in the world. You can do this with extra graphics installed, audio clips, links in the comments, etc. Whatever it takes to go the extra mile to deliver on the promise in your headline will make you stand out like a rock star.  

This system may seem like a challenge at first, but once you’ve played around with this approach and perfected it and start seeing results, it will become a template for which you can apply just about any subject and still see great results.

So, let me know in the comments below. What are some of the subjects that you’ll be tackling in video for your private practice?

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  1. I will be looking into doing some series on specific health topics to educate and build trust with my brand. Thank you for ALWAYS providing such great value in every post and blog you do!!

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