Do you write blogs or articles for your private practice?

It’s such a great way to demonstrate your zone of genius. Particularly for #Psychotherapists.

When someone is searching for help regarding their mental health, they are also searching for more information about their condition.

There is a sense of reassurance when they come upon a blog that not only gives them information about their diagnosis but that you are the person who can walk them through it.

It can be the very thing that helps them to pick up the phone and call you to book their first session.

Looking back to the earlier days of my private practice, I can recall sharing lots of articles that I thought people would find useful online.

Until I had a wise coach tell me,

“Lisa you work so hard to create exposure. You drive people to your website, you drive them to your social media pages. That’s a lot of hard work. Why would you send them to somewhere else once you finally get their attention?”

Mind blown! 🤯

It never occurred to me that was what I was doing! I thought I was coming from a place of giving by sharing information.

And let’s face it there are times when there is information out there that really needs to be shared with your audience.

There are even times when you may be partnering with another #Psychotherapist to widen your audience by sharing your work. That’s not what I’m talking about here.

What I’m talking about is sharing the work of others RATHER than creating your own.

Your audience wants to hear your voice. Learn YOUR approach and connect with YOU.

And the best news of all is that it does not have to read like a college dissertation.

We’re talking about 300-700 words. Short and sweet and they’ll be coming back for more.

And, if writing feels too daunting you can always do a video blog.

They’re becoming increasingly popular in today’s busy climate.

As intimidating as putting yourself out there can feel for some therapists, I encourage you to take the leap.

The risks far outweigh the rewards.

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