There’s no question that this is an exceptionally busy time of year.

Between the shopping, the cooking, the cleaning, the wrapping, holiday parties, and everything else on your plate, marketing your private practice can sometimes begin to fall way down on the list.

And when you’re actually seeing clients amidst all of this it can be a real stress trigger.

This can be especially true if you are trying to learn a new marketing strategy that you’re not familiar with.

So how do we stay on top of our marketing in the fourth quarter to ensure that your practice is strong and booming in 20204? Because let’s face it the holidays can be triggering for lots of folks.

There’s no shortage of clients out there who need your services. But they need to know you’re there and that you can help them.

Let’s start by breaking everything down into smaller steps. That will help to take the stress away.

Now we’ll begin to employ the Pomodoro Technique.

“The Pomodoro Technique is a time management method developed by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s. It uses a kitchen timer to break work into intervals, typically 25 minutes in length, separated by short breaks.” – Wikipedia.

We can get rid of all distractions and set a timer for 25 minutes.

For 25 minutes give 100% focus to the marketing you want to achieve.

At the end of that 25 minutes, you’ll reward yourself with a 5-minute break.

After that, you may have a client or two to see, reports or notes to log, etc.

Find another 25-minute block on your calendar and do this again.

The more Pomodoros you can wrap up in a day the stronger your marketing becomes and the less stressed you’ll feel because you are accomplishing so much more.

In my online course, Get Marketing Savvy we help you accomplish this with the 1- 2-3 Marketing Method.

At any given time you will only be utilizing 1, 2, or 3 marketing strategies to grow your private practice.

And you’ll have me by your side to help with some personal coaching. Make this the gift you give yourself this season.

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