Tag: research

What Social Media Networks should I focus on?

When Facebook was invented we all had the joy of becoming part of Mark Zuckerberg’s vision for social media networks. We were swapping photos, stories and updates with people from all over the world. Businesses stood the most to gain from this type of medium as marketers jumped on board […]

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How do YOU Hashtag?

If you’ve ever been on any social media site, you’ve definitely seen a hashtag. A hashtag is a pound symbol followed by a word or string of words. For example #wozmarketing. Hashtags are used to create topics or categories of content or conversations. This makes it much easier for a […]

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The only Guide to Building an SEO Blog Post you’ll ever Need!

Have you ever been intimidated about writing a blog post that has intentional SEO content? That was something that used to keep me up at night for sure. We all want to have the strong search engine optimization that will take us to the top of Google’s coveted rankings, don’t we? But how do you know which keywords? How do we know if they work? How do we use them in the content of the blog post? Should it only be in the title? How do you select a title that will be enticing enough to capture your readers?

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